The Music Ministry provides music for Liturgical celebrations at St. Catherine’s. We welcome musicians and singers of various ability levels into several different groups who lead the congregation in sung prayer at Sunday, Holy Day and national holiday Masses, sacramental celebrations and Penance Services. The Music Ministry combines groups to reflect the diversity and richness of our parish at bilingual celebrations on Thanksgiving, Holy Thursday, and Confirmation. In addition to music for the Liturgy, the Music Ministry also offers the parish an annual Service of Lessons and Carols during Advent and the Liturgical Choir performs concerts of sacred music at other times of the year. We encourage parishioners to join our ministry ‘fostering the active participation of the faithful through singing’
Regina Reale, Director of Music (240) 880-2218
The English Choir:
10:30am Sunday Liturgy
Wednesdays at 7:30pm September - June
Traditional repertoire of hymns, choral anthems, chant and contemporary songs
Conducted by Regina Reale
The Spanish Choir:
Lead music at the Saturday 7:00pm, Sunday 8:30am, and 12:45pm Spanish Masses
Saturday Hispanic Choir
Rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30pm September – June
Conducted by Regina Reale
Leads music at sung Liturgies when choirs are not present including 5:15pm Saturday and noon Sunday Masses For singers who have an ability for singing and a facility in correct pronunciation and diction. Rehearses monthly on the last Thursday at 7:30pm